C2D2 V200

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The CropLife Europe Crop Development Database (C2D2) includes harmonized observations of crop development stages for 102 distinct crop species throughout Europe. (Hughes et al., 2024). The C2D2 data set consists of data that were collected by seven member companies of CropLife Europe (namely Corteva Agriscience, ADAMA Agricultural Solutions, BASF SE Agricultural Solutions, Bayer AG Crop Science Division, FMC Agricultural Solutions, Sumitomo Chemical and Syngenta Ltd) and subsequently harmonized in a single database.

Provider's website

[1] Downloaded file C2D2_database_v200.sqlite. Note it was necessary to vacuum the database, before it could be used for further analysis.

[2] Hughes et al., 2024


Hughes, G.O., Eatherall, A., Bird, M., Blake, J., Branford, P.R., Gebler, S., Lozano, A., Massey, P.A., Reinken, G., Terry, A.S. and Whitworth, E.H., 2024. CropLife Europe Crop Development Database: An open‐source, pan‐European, harmonized crop development database for use in regulatory pesticide exposure modeling and risk assessment. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 20(4), pp.1060-1074.


Data of table Processed_Data, containing fully processed data, was selected and further processed.

Original data was filtered:

  • Incomplete data was excluded, thus records that had one or more attribute values missing:
    • No BBCH stage (attribute GSFinal)
    • No observation date (attribute GSDateFinal)
    • No geolocation (attribute Grid10km)
    • No crop defined (attribute CropNameHarmonisedFinal)
    • No year defined (attribute TrialYearRaw)
  • Duplicates were removed thus data records having the same experiment (attribute RecordGroupID, the same location (attribute Grid10km), the same trial year (attribute TrialYearRaw), the same crop (attribute CropNameHarmonisedFinal), the same phenology stage (attribute GSFinal), and the same observation date (attribute GSDateFinal). There is one exception. In case an experiment had varying observation dates for a combination of experiment, location, trial year, crop and phenology stage the data record was not removed if this variation of was limited to 10 days of less.
  • Cases where a combination of experiment, location, trial year, crop and observation date had varying phenology stages were removed as we expect that on a specific day only one stage is observed.
  • We did not keep all the crops, we only included the following crops (attribute CropNameHarmonisedFinal):
    • Chickpea
    • Common rice
    • Dry-seeded paddy rice
    • Field Pea
    • Flax
    • Flint Corn
    • Flour Corn
    • Fodder Beet
    • Maize
    • Millet
    • Pea
    • Potato
    • Rice
    • Seeded upland rice
    • Sorghum
    • Soybean
    • Spring Barley
    • Spring Oats
    • Spring Rape
    • Spring Rye
    • Spring Triticale
    • Spring Turnip Rape
    • Spring Wheat
    • Sugar Beet
    • Sunflower
    • Sweet Corn
    • Waxy Maize
    • Wet-seeded paddy rice
    • Winter Barley
    • Winter Oats
    • Winter Rape
    • Winter Rye
    • Winter Triticale
    • Winter Wheat

Data of the following crops were combined and defined under one crop:

  • Common rice, Dry-seeded paddy rice, Seeded upland rice, Wet-seeded paddy ric and Rice (Rice)
  • Field Pea and Pea (Pea)
  • Flint Corn, Flour Corn, Sweet Corn, Waxy Maize and Maize (Maize)
  • Spring Turnip Rape and Spring Rape (Spring Rape)

The location is based on the most detailed geographic definition which is the attribute Grid10km. This is the EEA 10km reference grid (https://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/data/eea-reference-grids-2). The coordinates are given in the form of a string as "10kmE{x}N{y}" where {y} represents 100000 m north from a reference point and {x} 100000 m east of a reference point according to the LAEA coordinate systems. {x} and {y} were multiplied with 100000 to convert their units to m and convert them to EPSG:3035. Subsequently, the obtained EPSG:3035 coordinates X and Y were converted to the EPSG:4326 coordinates longitude, latitude using the to_crs() function in the Python package Geopandas.

As the location is based on a 10 km grid we defined the geometry accuracy as 10000 m.

The unique name (object id) is based:

  • Trial year (attribute TrialYearRaw)
  • Crop (attribute CropNameHarmonisedFinal)
  • Location (attribute RecordGroupID)


Attribute: CropNameHarmonisedFinal
Remark: -


Attribute: GSFinal
Remark: GSFinal is an observed phenology stage, expressed according the BBCH scale, and is valid for the date given by attribute GSDateFinal


There was no further information on the crop management.