Pheno data Kalvana et al 2020
A data set of phenological observations of plants, birds, as well as agrarian activities and abiotic phenomena from Latvia, 1970-2018 is presented. The data include limited number of observations of insects, amphibians, mammals, mushrooms, mollusks and fishes as well. The data was collected by voluntary observers (citizen scientists) and published as paper based yearly bulletins. It includes almost 48 000 individual observations of 159 different phenological phases from 103 locations in Latvia
Provider's website
[1] Phenology data set from Latvia, 1970-2018. The data was copied from the file 1_senseco_data_insitu_crop_phenology_Bulgaria_France.txt.
[2] Kalvāne, G., Kalvāns, A. and Ģērmanis, A., 2021. Long-term phenological data set of multi-taxonomic groups, agrarian activities and abiotic parameters from Latvia, northern Europe. Earth System Science Data Discussions, 2021, pp.1-21.
Original data was filtered:
- Removed records of which the reported date of phenological phase is highly unrealistic (attribute implausible = TRUE)
- Removed records of which the order of the reported phases of the same taxon at a given station and year is not realistic (attribute wrong_order = TRUE)
- Removed records with values "NA" and "ReassumedGrowth" (attribute BBCH)
- Removed records of none agricultural crops and kept the records related to the following crops:
- Common barley
- Maize
- Potato
- Rye
- Sugar beet
- Removed observation BBCH code 03 for Engure potato 1998 as there were two BBCH codes (03 and 61) for the same day (26 June 1998)
The unique name is based on the following attributes:
- Attribute station
- Attribute species (mapped to AGROSTAC crop code)
- Attribute year
Attribute: species
Remark: note that the crop maize is mapped to silage maize (MAZS)
Attribute: BBCH
Remark: phenological phase observed
There was no further information on the crop management.