From AgroStac
Revision as of 06:57, 23 August 2024 by Hendrik (talk | contribs) (Created page with "This data set includes phenological observations of crops from sowing to harvest in Germany. A fixed observation area is assigned to every phenological observer. Each observation area has a station-id assigned by the network administration. The observer registers the beginning of determined growth stages (pheno phases) and notes the date in the phenological observation journal, as soon as it occured. Crops are observed from sowing to harvest on the same field. At the end...")
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This data set includes phenological observations of crops from sowing to harvest in Germany. A fixed observation area is assigned to every phenological observer. Each observation area has a station-id assigned by the network administration. The observer registers the beginning of determined growth stages (pheno phases) and notes the date in the phenological observation journal, as soon as it occured. Crops are observed from sowing to harvest on the same field. At the end of the year, the observer send the completed observation sheet to the network operator for data recording.

Note on geometric accuracy: The position of the observing station is related to the approx. centre of the city/town/village the observer lives in. In former times, they used to use the position of the church in this town. The area observed depends on the availability of observed items and may spread from approx. 1,5 km to 5 km around the centre with a difference in the altitude of not more than 50 m.

Provider's website



Template loop detected: Template:Ref0


We applied the following filtering.


  • Winterweizen (202)
  • Winterroggen (203)
  • Wintergerste (204)
  • Winterraps (205)
  • Sommergerste (207)
  • Hafer (208)
  • Sonnenblume (209)
  • Mais (215)
  • Futter-Rübe (252)
  • Zucker-Rübe (253)


  • Qualitaetsniveau = 10 (quality control and routine corrections finished (individual corrections later still possible))
  • Eintrittsdatum_QB = 1, 2 or 3 (resp. correct, corrected, ratified)

Double entries:

  • Some stations have for the same day anothre phenological phase defined. One of these two seems unrealistic. For now we have removed both observations as we lack resources to check each individual case


Template:DataTranslation The following translation table was used to convert the verbal phenological stages into BBCH:

PhasenDefinition BBCHcode
Ernte vom handTemplate:!!99

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